Dicky Hindarto
Climate Change, Carbon Markets and Energy Initiatives Consultant
Dicky is a professional consultant with a strong background in climate change, market-based mechanism, renewable energy, and energy efficiency as well as extraordinary national and international experiences in climate change negotiation, sustainability, and the environment.
In climate change mitigation issues, Dicky’s expertise varies from national strategy development, climate change policies, low carbon development strategy, to the cost benefit analysis for implementation. He has a deep understanding of the NAMAs, nationally determined contributions (NDCs), low emission developments (LEDs), low carbon technologies and policies, reducing emissions of deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), national registry, and measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) from concept and project development to implementation phases.
In carbon market issues, Dicky has wide experience in climate change negotiations and market-based mechanism development. Between 2008 – 2014 he was the lead negotiator for the carbon market in UNFCCC and a scheme owner of several climate change and carbon market co-operations.
Since 2014 Dicky was hired by the government of Japan to assist the Government of Indonesia and Government of Japan to establish the first bilateral market-based cooperation, called Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM). Under his management Indonesia and Japan have developed 47 renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.
Within energy issues, Dicky is mastering at energy policy development, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy management. He has directly assisted the development of various renewable energy projects in solar, hydro, and biomass technologies in Indonesia.
Dicky is one of the founders and the chair of the governing board of Yayasan Mitra Hijau (YMH), a trusted carbon market advisor for Yayasan Gajah Sumatra (Yagasu) and commissioner of PT Bumi Global Karbon.
Dicky’s personal philosophy is to be a good Muslim, a good man, and a good human being.